Not to toot my own horn, but I'm kind of a big deal. Last night was further proof.
<-------(Me in my awesome Top Hat. Don't be jealous.)
Mom had been planning a surprise party for my birthday, and it all went down last night! (That Mom, she is just too good. Here's a high-four to you Mom!)
All of my bestest friends showed up...Billy and Jane came first (they are always fashionable early), then Roxy, then this little human-pup named Zoe, and then Kelly! (I kept watching the door for my main-crush Rufus to show up, but he never did...more on that later.) Jane looked really pretty, except we had to put the muzzle on her, since she gets bitey around strangers. She looked like Hannibal Lecter in that thing.
All of Mom and M.G.'s human friends were there, too, but we dogs pretty much ruled the house for the rest of the night. We were all over the furniture, sniffing butts, sneaking food, and chasing each other around like one giant tumbleweed of dog fur!
Mom made "Doggy Bags" for all of my guests, and they had all sorts of yummy treats inside. Then Mom brought out little green bowls and set them out in front of us dogs. I didn't know what it was at first, but all my friends plunged snout-first into the stuff, so I figured it had to be good. And wowsa, was it ever! I've never had it before, but it was like nothing I'd ever tasted or smelled. Mom kept saying it was just wet dog food, but I don't think she knows what she's talking about. Our normal dog food definitely doesn't taste like that stuff, even if you did pour water on it and make it wet. 
The humans ate a lot, too. It's kind of Mom's thing. Make food, eat it. Make food, eat it. Make food, eat it. Rinse dishes, repeat.
(This is me introducing my old toy Duck to my new toys, Baseball Dog and Ropey.)------>
I like having the human-pup Zoe around, because she is low to the ground, and when she carries food we are able to sneak it from her little hands without anyone really noticing. Plus she likes to give us cuddles, and no dog has ever complained about having too many belly scratches.
I even got presents from my friends! I have never felt so loved. And now I pretty much have enough toys, bones, and treats to last me the next 7 years (that's one year, to you humans).
All in all, it was a pretty fabulous night. My guests really worked the Red Carpet (or in our case, the beige carpet) and smiled for Mom and all of her Paparazzi friends. Then they left for the night.
The only thing that would have made my "Yappy Birthday Party" any better would have been if my man Rufus showed up. He is such a player. But I just can't help myself. Maybe next time Rufus. You know I can't stay mad at 'cha.
Here is some video and pics from the night's festivities.
1 comment:
Okay--- this was the BEST party! Zoe woke up in the middle of the night and said, "Dogs?"
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