Friday, February 20, 2009

I knew I was meant for fame!

Well, it's official...I'm famous! I knew I would be someday, it was only a matter of time.

Here's how it went...

Mom was online looking for a playmate for me. Don't get me wrong, I love living with my old man Chuck. He opened his house and his food bowl to me when we was just strangers, and I'll never forget that. But he just isn't really interested in playing with me. This is his basic routine: sleep, sleep, lick the carpet, eat, sleep, sleep, have a seizure, lick the sofa, sleep, sleep, sleep, eat. I need more in my life than that! I love to play, and chase things, and run around, and he just can't keep up with a young, hot blonde like me. It's kind of like that Hugh Hefner guy...he opens his house to all the young girls, but really has no intention of keeping up with them.

So as I was barking, mom was online looking for a B.F.F. for me, and she went to the website where she originally found me. It is pretty much the greatest website in the world that shows all sorts of animals that need hugs and treats and cuddling, and it finds humans for them to live with.

Well mom found a girl on there that would be perfect for me, and it turns out she is from the same adoption agency that I came from! Mom knew this has to be fate, and contacted this lady Dana from the adoption place immediately. I absolutely remember Dana...she is the lady who rescued me from being a puppy mill breeder and brought me to my nice new posh home now. Dana is like my guardian angel!

Mom went ahead and filled out the application for this girl named "Leigh Ann" (bleh, that name will have to change), and submitted her request. After she was done, she played around on the website some more, and clicked on the "Success Stories" link, and BAM! There I was! For all the world to see!

They have a picture of me, and my story, and everything. (Well, they got a little bit of the story wrong. They called Chuck my "sister". I laughed and laughed at this, but Chuck didn't seem to think it was so funny. He just started licking himself where his balls used to be. I think he has "Phantom Ball Syndrome" or something.)

So hopefully we will get to adopt this Leigh Ann girl to be my new B.F.F., and then she can get on the "Success Stories" website too!

Here is the site I am on...
They have me listed as "Precious" because that was my original name. Thank goodness mom gave me a new hip name. I love when Mom tells me the story of how she found me. Mom says that when she saw that first picture of me, it was "love at first site". Then I always give her kisses on her face to thank her for adopting me. I love when mom tells me that story.

So I am hoping to get to meet Leigh Ann this weekend. We'll sniff butts, and see if we have the same hobbies and interests (you know...chewing bones, playing fetch, and long walks on the beach), and if we like eachother then we get to stay together forever and ever.

I'm keeping my paws crossed!

- Wicket

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