1. Lots of quality time with Mom, since she wasn't running off to work every day.
2. MG gave us a little tiny piece of steak to try. It was, in a word, heavenly.
3. No stupid smelly boys were with us! Just a girl's week. (We left Chuck at home with the neighbors.)
Here is what I didn't love about vacation:
1. Tatters got car sick on the ride to the ferry, and blew chunks all over the back seat of the car right where I was sitting!
2. Tatters got car sick on the ride BACK home again, and threwed up all over the back seat again.
But other than that, we had a pawsome time.
In other news...
Tatters has been walking around on her high horse lately, and I'm about ready to knock her off of it. She thinks she looks like the new Obama dog, Bo.
You should hear her during the day...
"Oh Wicket, even zee Prezident of zee United States knows how bootiful I am. He even got a dog that looks like me, n'est pas?"
"You do not understandz, Wicket, how tiring it is being a, how you say, "look-a-like" for zee First Dog. You cannot understand zees, because you only look like zee furry Ewok creatures. But moi? I look like zee most important dog in zee world. It is exhausting being so desired."
"Wicket, one day, when I am zee First Dog, I promise I will try and get you a job at zee White House so you can come along, too. Zere is always room in zee kitchen for a dishwasher, I am sure!"

Even though my mom isn't the First Lady or anything like that, she is definitely the First Mom to me, and that makes her more important than anyone else in the whole world. No bones about it.
- Wicket

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